
Reporting Sexual Misconduct & Getting Support

Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Support and Resource Guide

This page serves as a reference for students and employees who may have witnessed, experienced or been involved in sexual harassment or sexual misconduct. It contains the same information as listed in the University's Campus Awareness and Response and Education (CARE) brochure.



Responsible Reporter Statement

University policy provides that every employee (except those specifically identified as a “confidential” resource) who receives information of sexual harassment or sexual misconduct involving a student as a complainant, respondent or witness, is required to share all relevant details (obtained directly or indirectly) with the Title IX Coordinator.  Resident Assistants, Graduate Teaching Assistants, and Student Officers are also responsible reporters. While students are encouraged to directly report information to the designated reporting options, the University recognizes that a student may choose to share information regarding sexual harassment and sexual misconduct with other employees of the University (e.g. a Resident Assistant, faculty member, or coach). The University is committed to ensuring that all reports are shared with the Title IX Coordinator for consistent application of the Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Policy to all individuals and to allow the University to respond promptly and equitably to eliminate the prohibited conduct, prevent its recurrence and address its effects.

Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Reporting Information, Support and Resources

As a Catholic, Jesuit institution of higher learning, The University of 51视频 is committed to providing care and support for individuals who have experienced sexual harassment or sexual misconduct while remaining mindful of the safety and well-being of the larger University community. Sexual misconduct includes sexual assault, sexual exploitation, intimate partner violence and stalking. Federal laws (i.e., Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972) require the University to take immediate and appropriate steps upon becoming aware of reports of sexual harassment or sexual misconduct. The University will make every reasonable effort to preserve an individual’s privacy in light of this responsibility.

The first priority for any individual is personal safety and well-being. In an emergency situation, the University encourages all individuals to seek immediate assistance from University Police (570-941-7777), the City of 51视频 Police Department at 911, and/or a medical facility. This is the best way to address immediate safety concerns while allowing for the preservation of evidence and an immediate investigative response. If you have experienced sexual misconduct, including sexual assault:

  • Preserve all evidence of the sexual assault or other form of sexual misconduct.
    • Do not bathe, change or dispose of clothing, use the restroom, wash hands, brush teeth, eat or smoke.
    • If you are still at the location of the incident, do not clean anything.
    • Write down all the details you can recall about the incident and the perpetrator including any information related to previous concerning behavior or history.
  • In cases of sexual assault, seek medical care as soon as possible. Even if you do not have any visible physical injuries, you may be at risk of acquiring a sexually transmitted infection (women may also be at risk for pregnancy).
    • Refer to contact information for local hospitals in this brochure.
    • Ask the health care professional to conduct a Sexual Assault Forensic Exam (SAFE).
    • If you suspect you were drugged, request collection of a urine or blood sample.

Medical Services in cases of sexual assault or other misconduct are best handled by a hospital when the student seeks assistance as soon as possible and within 72 hours of the incident.  Medical treatment and the ability to preserve evidence is available within blocks of the University campus. While any of the local hospitals can perform a Sexual Assault Forensic Exam (SAFE), only GCMC has SANEs (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners) on staff.

Geisinger Community Medical Center
1800 Mulberry St.
51视频, PA 18510
(570) 703-8000
Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) on staff
The Regional Hospital of 51视频
746 Jefferson Ave.
51视频, PA 18510
(570) 770-3000

If an individual visits the hospital for an exam, both the police and Women’s Resource Center of Lackawanna County (WRC) may be notified by the hospital. The individual may choose whether or not to speak to the police and/or the WRC at the hospital. If the individual chooses to speak to the police, they still has the option of whether or not to file criminal charges. The WRC advocate is confidential and will be able to provide support and information throughout the process.

The University also provides support and assistance to students through Student Health Services (570) 941-7667 from 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday and Friday 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. during the academic year. Student Health Services is located at the corner of North Webster Avenue and Mulberry Street in the Roche Wellness Center.

If you have witnessed or experienced sexual harassment or sexual misconduct, you have several reporting options. It is your decision to participate in a criminal process, the University process, both or neither. 

Report to the Police

Sexual assault and other forms of sexual misconduct are not only University policy violations but may also be crimes.  You are encouraged, but not required, to report these crimes to the police.  If you choose, University officials will assist you in contacting the police. 

 The University of 51视频 Police Department - (570) 941-7777
 City of 51视频 Police (570) 348-4134 or 911 for an emergency

Report to the University

Sexual harassment and sexual misconduct are prohibited by The University of 51视频 and are violations of University policy.  In an effort to support individuals as well as the campus community, the reporting options below will initiate a response process by the University.  If you wish to speak with someone for confidential support, please see the confidential resources listed in this guide. 

Filing a report with the University may not obligate a reporter to open or participate in a formal investigation.  Reporting to the University allows the University to provide any available interim protective measures, resources and support to students, faculty and staff. 

The University provides individuals the ability to anonymously report incidents of sexual harassment or sexual misconduct.

  • Incident Reporting Form:
    • Note: Reporting individuals may use this link to file reports anonymously. Reports made here are received by Title IX Coordinator in the Office of Equity and Diversity.  All anonymous reports will be reviewed and processed per the University's policy; however, anonymous reports may hamper the Title IX Coordinator's ability to respond per policies.
Title IX Coordinator - Elizabeth M. Garcia, JD
Phone: (570) 941-6645          E-mail: elizabeth.garcia2@scranton.edu 
Deputy Title IX Coordinator - Diana Marie Collins
Phone: (570) 941-6645           E-mail: diana.collins@scranton.edu
Deputy Title IX Coordinator (Employees) - Patricia Tetreault, MBA, SPHR
Phone: (570) 941-7767      E-mail: patricia.tetreault@scranton.edu
The University of 51视频 Police Department
Phone: (570) 941-7777 (emergency) or (570) 941-7888 (non-emergency)
Online Anonymous Reporting
The University of 51视频 Police Silent Witness Program
The Silent Witness Program should not be used for emergency or crisis situations needing an immediate law enforcement or medical emergency response. 

Sexual harassment and sexual misconduct include a wide range of non-consensual behavior, none of which are tolerated in our University community. Many of these behaviors also constitute crimes. Please refer to the full definitions in the Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Policy section VI(A).

    Sexual Harassment is defined as unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature determined by a reasonable person to be so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive that it effectively denies a person equal access to the University’s education program or activity. It may also include unwelcome sexual or gender based behavior that creates an environment that would reasonably be perceived and is perceived by the complainant as hostile or abusive. Sexual assault is the most serious form of sexual harassment. Examples include acts of aggression, intimidation, or hostility, whether verbal or non-verbal, graphic, physical, or otherwise, even if the acts do not involve conduct of a sexual nature.
    Quid Pro Quo Sexual harassment is defined as any employee of the University that conditions the provision of an aid, benefit, or service of the University on a complainant’s participation in unwelcome sexual conduct.
    Sexual Assault is defined as any attempted or actual sexual act directed against another person, without consent, including instances where the victim is incapable of giving consent. Sexual assault is the penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus, with a body part (e.g., finger, hand or penis), or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without consent of the complainant. This includes sexual assault of both males and females.
    Sexual Exploitation is defined as the touching of the private body parts (breasts, buttocks, groin, genitals, or other intimate part of an body) of another person for the purpose of sexual gratification, without consent of the victim, including instances where the victim is incapable of giving consent because of their age or because of their temporary or permanent mental incapacity, or attempts to commit sexual assault. It also includes is an act or acts attempted or committed by a person for sexual gratification, financial gain, or advancement through the abuse or exploitation of another person’s sexuality. Examples include but are not limited to non-consensual touching, fondling, or kissing, non-consensual voyeurism, non-consensual recording of sexual activity and or a person’s intimate parts, non-consensual dissemination of such recordings, allowing others to view sexual activities without the consent of all of the participants, exposure of one’s body in an indecent or lewd manner, sexual activity in public or semi-public places or exposing another person to a sexually transmitted infection or virus without the other’s knowledge.
    Dating Violence is defined violence committed by a person who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim. For purposes of this definition dating violence includes, but is not limited to, sexual or physical abuse, or the threat of such abuse.
    Domestic violence is defined as violence committed by a current or former spouse or intimate partner of the complainant, by a person with whom the complainant shares a child in common, by a person who is cohabitating with, or has cohabitated with, the complainant as a spouse or intimate partner; by a person similarly situated to a spouse of the complainant under the domestic violence laws of the jurisdiction in which the crime of violence occurred, or by any other person against an adult or youth complainant who is protected from that person’s acts under the domestic or family violence laws of the jurisdiction in which the crime of violence occurred.
    Intimate Partner violence is defined as any act of violence or threatened act of violence that occurs between individuals who are involved or have been involved in a sexual or other intimate relationship.
    Stalking is defined as engaging in a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to-Fear for the person’s safety or the safety of others or suffer substantial emotional distress. Stalking includes the concept of cyber stalking-a particular form of stalking in which electronic media is used to pursue, harass, or to make repeated unwanted contact with another person in an unsolicited fashion. Stalking may involve persons who are known to one another or have an intimate or sexual relationship, or may involve persons not known to one another.

Upon receipt of a report of sexual harassment or sexual misconduct, the University will take reasonable and appropriate supportive measures to protect the individuals involved and reduce any further risk for members of our campus community. Examples of such measures may include, but are not limited to:

  • Instituting an Administrative Directive for No-Contact between involved parties
  • Limiting an individual’s access to certain facilities or activities pending resolution
  • Referring to counseling and health services
  • Referring to the Employee Assistance Program
  • Providing education and advisories to the community
  • Providing alternative housing for the reporting party
  • Offering adjustments to academic deadlines, course schedules, etc.
  • Providing academic support services, such as tutoring
  • Altering work arrangements for employees
  • Providing campus escorts
  • Providing transportation assistance to the hospital
  • Issuing interim suspensions pending an investigation and determination
  • Any other measure which can be tailored to the involved parties to achieve the goals of the University's policy

 *These measures and other support and resources are available regardless of whether a report­ing party seeks formal resolution and/or makes a crime report.

Various resources within the University and local community are available for individuals who have experienced sexual harassment or sexual misconduct of any kind. Regardless of which resource(s) an individual chooses to access, the situation will be handled with sensitivity and care to protect the privacy of the individual/s involved.

Confidential Resources: An individual who desires confidentiality should make contact with one of the confidential resources/support services listed below.  Information shared with a confidential resource does not have be reported to the University, Title IX Coordinator or law enforcement for investigation unless the individual disclosing the confidential resources later chooses to engage those resources.

  • The University of 51视频 Counseling Center (570) 941-7620, located on the 6th floor O’Hara Hall, at the corner of Linden St. and Jefferson Ave., provides confidential counseling services to University students from Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm during the academic year.  Upon request, the Counseling Center will provide counseling as well as referrals to agencies off-campus.
  • Student Health Services (570) 941-7667, located at the corner of North Webster Avenue and Mulberry Street in the Roche Wellness Center. provides confidential medical support and assistance to University students. Normal Business Hours: Mon - Thurs 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. and Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Intercession Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (Last appointment 4 p.m.) Summer Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (Walk in appointments only). During normal business hours Nurse practitioner and physician office visits are available by appointment. Appointments can be made on line by accessing the .
  • Women’s Resource Center of Lackawanna County (570) 346-4671 is a confidential, community-based agency serving those who have experienced sexual assault or other sexual misconduct. A counselor/advocate can be reached 24 hours a day.
  • National Sexual Assault Hotline (800-656-HOPE) is a free, confidential national resource available 24 hours a day by calling or online.rainn.org
  • Employee Assistance Program: (1-800-327-2255) NexGenEAP, offers professional counselor services, including confidential counseling in-person or over the phone for a variety of stressful issues including sexual harassment and misconduct. Member and group numbers may be found by visiting /hr/benefits/employee-assistance-program.shtml


Additional Resources and Support Services for Students – Private but Not Confidential

Regardless of which resource(s) an individual chooses to access, the situation will be handled with sensitivity and care to protect the privacy of the individual/s involved.

  • Campus Ministries (570) 941-7419, located in the DeNaples Center, Suite 200, offers pastoral support. Students may stop by the office and ask to speak to a priest or campus minister or schedule an appointment. Although Campus Ministries staff are not confidential employees, ordained priests acting in their pastoral capacity are confidential and will not report to the Title IX Coordinator.
  • The Jane Kopas Women’s Center (570) 941-6194, located in the DeNaples Center, Suite 205 offers a safe and comfortable gathering place and also provides educational programming, leadership development, resources and referrals.
  • www.scranton.edu/CARE is a website maintained by the University which provides information and resources for those in our campus community who have experienced or witnessed sexual harassment or sexual misconduct.
  • The Title IX Coordinator, Elizabeth Garcia, and Deputy Title IX Coordinator, Diana Marie Collins, (570) 941-6645 are in the Office of Equity and Diversity located in the Institute of Molecular Biology and Medicine, Suite 315. The Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Title IX Coordinator is available to discuss any questions regarding the Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Policy, to assist an individual in accessing resources and support services, and to facilitate the investigation and resolution of reports of conduct that may violate the Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Policy.
  • University Police (570) 941-7777, located on level 2 of the Parking Pavilion, corner of Mulberry St. and Monroe Ave.,  are available to coordinate with various resources to provide for the safety and well-being of an individual who experienced sexual assault or sexual misconduct. This may include transporting a student to a hospital for medical care, assisting in obtaining a Protection from Abuse Order from the local court, and/or coordinating with appropriate legal authorities including the Lackawanna County District Attorney’s Office and the Victim/Witness Unit.
  • The Dean of Students, Lauren Rivera, (570) 941-7680, located in the DeNaples Student Center, Suite 201,  meets with students to offer support and resource information, safeguard the larger University community, discuss formal reporting options, and review the Title IX investigation process. The information, resources and support provided by the Dean of Students is outlined in detail in the Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct policy.

Your Rights Under University Policy

The University of 51视频 strives to provide members of the campus community with fair and equitable resolution processes that include both formal and informal options.


  • Reporting individuals have the right to notify law enforcement of incidents and to receive assistance from campus per­sonnel.
  • Reporting individuals may decline to report to law enforce­ment if they so wish.*
  • Reporting individuals have the right to have their report investigated and resolved internally by the University



  • All members of the campus community have the right to have reported incidents addressed according to the pub­lished University policy and procedures. See the Required Reporter Statement.
  • Complainants and Respondents have the right to have an advisor of their choosing present throughout all resolution proceedings (including in­terviews, meetings, etc.). An advisor can be a campus community member, family member, friend, attorney, etc.
    • Complainant refers to the individual(s) who may have experienced sexual harassment or sexual misconduct, regardless of whether that individual makes a report or seeks formal disciplinary action.
    • Respondent refers to the individual(s) who has been accused of sexual harassment or sexual misconduct.
  • All parties are entitled to written notice of the outcome of a formal investigation.
  • Reporting parties and witnesses will receive amnesty for minor infractions (e.g., drug and alcohol violations that don’t affect the safety of the greater campus community) that are secondary to incidents of sexual misconduct.
  • All members of the campus community have the right to be free from retaliation for reporting sexual harassment or misconduct or participating in an investigation or resolution.



  • Individuals have a right to be notified of the availability of counseling and health services.
  • Individuals have a right to be notified of resources available both on and off campus.
  • All parties involved in sexual harassment or sexual misconduct allegations will receive the information and assistance needed to effec­tively participate in all proceedings.
  • Parties have the right to seek orders of protec­tion, no-contact orders, restraining orders, or similar law­ful orders issued by criminal or civil courts, and may seek the help of the Title IX Coordinators or University of 51视频 Police to request and enforce same.
  • The Office of Equity and Diversity will coordinate residential, academic and other appropriate accommodations to assist students who have experienced sexual harassment or sexual misconduct.


*In limited circumstances the University Police Department is notified where there may be an ongoing threat to the community (i.e., Clery Reportable matters including those that may require activation of the Emergency Notification System)

Risk Reduction Factors

Risk reduction factors are steps individuals can take to minimize the possibility of sexual misconduct and increase safety and a sense of empowerment for themselves or others. There is no guaranteed way to avoid sexual misconduct. These risk reduction factors and safety ideas are a choice, not a responsibility. Whether someone chooses to use these ideas, sexual misconduct is not the fault of the person who experiences it.  Remember that sexual activity is a choice, and all people, at any time, are free to choose whether or not to be sexually active.

  • Trust your gut and intuition. If you feel threatened, yell or leave the situation if you can do so safely.
  • Avoid people who don’t listen to you, ignore personal space boundaries, etc.
  • Only attend gatherings with friends you trust.
  • Know your sexual intentions and limits and communicate those limits firmly and directly.
  • Avoid mixing sexual decisions with drugs and alcohol.
  • Be aware of predatory drugs.

Sexual harassment and sexual misconduct can occur despite all precautions.  If you experience any sexual harassment or sexual misconduct, it is not your fault.  

Be an active bystander:

  • Notice the situation and be aware of your surroundings.
  • Interpret it as a problem. Ask yourself, “Do I believe someone needs help?”
  • Feel responsiblee to act. Educate yourself on what to do.
  • Intervene safely. Keeping yourself safe while taking action is key.


If a situation presents, intervene safely:

  • Bring in others to help when the situation may be potentially dangerous.
  • Ask the individual you are concerned about if they are ok.
  • Provide support and information available at scranton.edu/care .
  • Distract or redirect individuals in unsafe situations.
  • Ask the individual if they want to leave.
  • Call University Police (570) 941-7777 or 51视频 Police (911).


Encourage safety for yourself and others

  • Have a plan. Talk to your friends about your plans and intentions before you socialize.
  • Watch out for others. If you are concerned about someone, offer your support.
  • Diffuse situations. If you see a friend coming on too strong to someone who may be too drunk to make a consensual decision, interrupt, distract, or redirect the situation. If you do not feel comfortable doing so, get someone else to step in.
  • Trust your instincts. If a situation does not feel right to you, trust your instinct. If possible, remove yourself and others from the situation.


Information is based on Bystander Intervention research being completed at the University of New Hampshire (Bringing in the Bystander®).

 The United States Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) enforces Title IX. Information regarding OCR may be found at  

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