
Diversity Programs Spring 24

Explore the very things that make us both similar and unique by attending a multitude of diversity education programs at 51视频! More events will be posted soon!

Impact of Sexual Trauma in the Life and Living of Individuals with Neurodiversity

drawing of cartoon person with a heart for a brain on blue background, with photo of speaker-and-living-of-individuals-with-1280-x-533-px2.jpg

The number of college students and employees in the workplace who are part of a neurodivergent population rises each year. "Neurodiversity describes differences in brain function from person to person that affect daily mental functions"1 

Creating an inclusive and supportive environment for all students includes understanding the effects of sexual trauma on one's ability to learn in the classroom and function in everyday living.

The Office of Equity and Diversity through a PA State It's On US Grant, and in collaboration with the Staff Senate Staff Development Committee, will host Dr. Michelle McKnight, assistant professor of Special Education and Rehabilitation Counseling at Utah State University and Executive Director of Aggies Elevated, USU’s inclusive postsecondary education program for students with intellectual and neurodevelopmental disabilities.

In order to facilitate the greatest faculty and staff participation, this program will be held via Zoom, and in-person on April 4 at 2:15 p.m. In-person seating is available in the Rose Room, Brennan 509. Registration is required. Light refreshments will be served.

"Out of the entire undergraduate population, neurodiverse students account for anywhere between 11 percent and 30 percent of the students. One in five women and one in 16 men are sexually assaulted while attending college. You are likely interacting with students, family members or friends who identify with these issues." - Michelle McKnight, Ph.D.

McKnight's presentation will provide techniques and tools for participants to learn how to listen, interact and support individuals so as not to retraumatize them.

Michelle McKnight has a Ph.D. in Rehabilitation Counselor Education from Michigan State University. Her research focuses on quality-of-life challenges for people with autism and intellectual disabilities entering adulthood and the workforce. She is a practicing Licensed Professional Counselor specializing in neurodivergent adults. Dr. McKnight currently has a grant to train mental health professionals to better serve autistic people in Utah seeking mental health care services.

Beyond Trigger Warnings: Lecture and Workshop


The Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence in collaboration with the Office of Equity and Diversity, and through a PA State It's On US grant, will present a two-part series on how faculty and staff can support students who have suffered sexual assault.

On April 18, Nicole Bedera, Ph.D., researcher and co-founder of Beyond Consulting, LLC, will present  "Beyond Trigger Warnings: A Survivor-Centered Approach to Teaching Sexual Violence and Avoiding Institutional Betrayal," an informational lecture that includes current research and statistics on sexual assault and its impact on education. Bedera will present case studies and best practices that faculty can implement in their courses to support students who have experienced sexual assault.  

Part 2 on April 25, consists of a workshop for employees who attended the lecture. "Integrating Trauma-Informed Pedagogical Practices into Faculty Courses," includes exercises using scenarios that faculty and staff may encounter with students and how to implement trauma-informed pedagogy in the classroom.  The workshop is designed to explore how individual course policies and content can either support or further traumatize those who have experienced sexual assault.  

Registration is required for both Zoom programs. The workshop is available to those who attend the Part 1 lecture. 

Nicole Bedera, Ph.D., is a sociologist/researcher whose work has centered around discovering the predictability of sexual violence based on culture and social constructs. Determining predictability factors, Bedera then works on developing and teaching prevention methods and supportive practices. 

Bedera's work has been published in The New York Times, NPR, Time Magazine, SlateTeen Vogue and other academic journals.1

As part of her action initiative, Bedera co-founded Beyond Consulting with Dr. Jacqueline Cruz.

Questions? Contact tara.fay@scranton.edu or elizabeth.garcia2@scranton.edu, or call 570-941-6645.


1. Source: nicolebedera.com 

Diversity + Inclusion Lunch and Learn

black red and white graphics with photos of presenters. Evnet inforamtion

All faculty and staff are invited to the next Diversity + Inclusion = A Better U! lunch and learn program featuring Kate Cummings, Research and Instruction Librarian for Business, and Sylvia Orner, Collections and Resource Management Librarian, who will present "Searching for Diversity and Inclusion: The Weinberg Memorial Library's Audit of the Children's Collection."

Learn about the importance of diversity audits and why they are conducted in library collections, how a diversity audit was conducted on the library's children's collection, and what was learned from the audit and future steps.

This special professional development opportunity will be hosted by the Office of Equity and Diversity

March 21 at 11:30 a.m. in the DeNaples Center McIlhenny Ballroom, 407A. Registration is required.

Celebrating Women's History Month


The Office of Equity and Diversity, along with the Provost and Office Human Resources, is hosting the next  book club for faculty and staff in recognition of Women's History Month in March.

Join 51视频 Inclusive Books for Employees (SCRIBE) in reading "The Radium Girls" by Kate Moore.

Author, Kate Moore, tells the true story of the women who stood up to corporate reckless disregard for health and safety after they became sick from radium poisoning on the job.

The club will meet on Wednesday, March 27 at 12:00 p.m. in the Casey Conference Room, Brennan Hall 502.

Free books are provided for participants who register for the discussion/luncheon meeting. Copies are available in the Office of Equity and Diversity, Institute of Molecular Biology and Medicine, Suite 315.  Participation is limited. Registration is required.

Contact OED with any questions diversity@scranton.edu or call 570-941-6645.

photo of University of 51视频 gateway with trees, adn arch and black text on white block.

The Office of Equity and Diversity in collaboration with Human Resources and the Provost, is offering a workshop for faculty and staff to guide participants through a series of reflective exercises that explore their understanding of race and ethnicity, privilege, bias, and inclusion.

elizabeth-garcia.jpgPresented by Elizabeth Garcia, Special Assistant to the President and Executive Director of the Office of Equity and Diversity, and Tara Fay, Faculty Coordinator of The Center for Teaching Excellence

Two sessions have been scheduled. Please choose the date that works for you.

Monday, February 12 @ 3:00-5:00pm

tara-fay.jpgMonday, February 26 @ 3:00-5:00pm

Provost's Conference Room:  Space is limited to 25 participants per session.


Questions: diversity@scranton.edu 

Emergency Evacuation Policy and Plans

Review of the University Personal Evacuation Guidelines for Students and Employees with Mobility, Auditory and Visual Disabilities. How and why to self-identify as someone who may need assistance during an emergency evacuation.

FEB. 13 - 3:30-4:30PM
Pearn Auditorium
No registration required.

University Policy on Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment

Learn about the University’s Non-Discrimination statement and supportive policy, and what constitutes unlawful harassment and discrimination based upon protected classes.

FEB. 14 - 3:30-4:30PM
Pearn Auditorium
No registration required.

Title IX Adjudication Process Training

Another session has been scheduled for this important training for individuals willing to serve the University community in Title IX (sexual harassment and sexual misconduct) related matters supporting students, faculty and staff. Title IX process roles may include advisors, hearing panelists and informal process facilitators.

FEB. 16 - 1:00-3:00PM
Zoom Meeting - Registration required.

Sexual Harassment and Misconduct Policy

Learn the definitions of what constitutes sexual harassment, where to report instances, get support for your self of students who may have experienced something, and the University process to address possible possible violation of policy.

FEB. 21 - 3:30-4:30PM
Pearn Auditorium
No registration required.

Learn how to engage in Equal Opportunity Hiring Practices and eliminate implicit bias from your search for new hires.

FEB. 28 - 3:30-4:30PM
Pearn Auditorium
No registration required.

University Accommodations Policies

Reasonable accommodations may be provided to employees for reasons based on disabilities, pregnancy, or religious. Learn more about the policies and process.

MAR. 6 - 3:30-4:30PM
Pearn Auditorium
No registration required.
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